We’re also profoundly indebted to all of the heroic people who shared their insights, their professional experience and, in some very real instances, their lives. These are, strictly in alphabetical order: David Beatty, Director of Public Policy of the National Victim Center; Jack and Trudy Collins; Carroll Ann Ellis, Director of the Fairfax County, Virginia, Victim-Witness Unit; Linda A. Fairstein, Chief of the Sex Crimes Prosecution Unit of the New York County District Attorney’s Office; Hans Hageman, Director of the East Harlem School at Exodus House; Katie and Steven Hanley; Dr. Stanton Samenow; Gene, Jeni and Peggy Schmidt; Kansas State Attoney General Carla Stovall; and Sandy Witt, Victim Coordinator of the Fairfax County Victim-Witness Unit. As always, the work of colleagues Dr. Ann Burgess and Roy Hazelwood has proved invaluable. We’d also like to thank: Jim Adler; Lynn Allen; Richard Berlin; Det. Dick Cline, Gavin de Becker; Dr. Park Dietz; Darron and Kelli Farha; Heather Haas; Inge Hanson; Det.