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Read One Last Night

One Last Night

Online Book

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One Last Night - Plot & Excerpts

The hairs on the back of her neck rose and even Gonzo dropped to his belly and gave a little doggy whimper, just like he did when a particularly nasty storm was approaching.
    'Maya.' She turned from smoothing out the blanket and came face to face with Giorgio's thunderous expression. Her eyes flared in panic when she saw what was in his right hand. Her heart knocked against her ribcage as if someone had shoved it from behind and her mouth went completely dry, so dry she had to brush her tongue out over her lips. 'I…You weren't supposed to find that…' God, how awful that sounded, she thought in anguish.
    He put the positive dipstick down with careful precision on the small coffee table near the sofa. It was like laying down a challenge. It lay in the space between them accusingly, threateningly, dividing them, Maya thought, when it should have been uniting them.
    'When were you going to tell me about this?' he asked with diamond-hard eyes.

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