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Melanie Milburne books

Melanie Milburne
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Read Books by Melanie Milburne


Engaged at the Chatsfield (2014)

Juliet Montague is invited to her friend's hen party at the Chatsfield Hotel, downtown London, only the most exclusive hotel around. Unfortunately, Juliet's friends are all super rich, beautiful, pampered and stylish which she is not. Put on the spot, Juliet declares that she's engaged to Marcu...

Engaged at the Chatsfield (2014) by Melanie Milburne

Boda para dos (2011)

"At least she could count her partners on the fingers of half a hand" I'm sorry but at the end of the book I'm still obsessing over that line. I bet the author didn't give it much thought, but really, these authors need to engage their brains a little bit more. What on earth does half a hand look...

Boda para dos (2011) by Melanie Milburne

Enemies At The Altar - Pernikahan dengan Musuh (2013)

This was an enjoyable read; unfortunately I've never found heroines who refuse to clear their name when they've been wronged and then act out appealing. Sienna is believed to be a gold-digger and slut, despite only having slept with a handful of men. Her behavior is obnoxious, to put it mildly. I...

Enemies At The Altar - Pernikahan dengan Musuh (2013) by Melanie Milburne

The Blackmail Pregnancy

Cara opened her eyes to find herself being observed by two interested identical little faces, their matching pink polka dot pyjamas a perfect foil for their blue eyes and blonde hair.     ‘Are you our aunty?’ one of them asked.     Cara sat up and, brushing...

The Blackmail Pregnancy by Melanie Milburne

At No Man's Command (2014)

He kept his distance on the trip over to Paris, barely speaking a word to her, keeping himself busy with his laptop, as if they were two strangers travelling together. But that was fine by her as she needed time to regroup. It was becoming confusing to be playing one role while feeling something ...

At No Man's Command (2014) by Melanie Milburne

One Last Night

The hairs on the back of her neck rose and even Gonzo dropped to his belly and gave a little doggy whimper, just like he did when a particularly nasty storm was approaching.     'Maya.' She turned from smoothing out the blanket and came face to face with Giorgio's thunderous e...

One Last Night by Melanie Milburne

Emergency Doctor and Cinderella (2010)

His mouth was commanding but not too controlling, warm and moist, but not slippery and sleazy. It was experienced, exciting and erotic. It was daring and even dangerous at times when he used his tongue to call hers into a duel-like dance that had blatantly sexual overtones. She was swept away wit...

Emergency Doctor and Cinderella (2010) by Melanie Milburne

Never Underestimate a Caffarelli (2013)

He made her feel threatened, but strangely it wasn’t in a physical way. He had a way of looking at her as if he was quietly making a study of her, peeling back the layers she had taken such great pains to stitch into place. Those layers were the only things holding her together. She could not bea...

Never Underestimate a Caffarelli (2013) by Melanie Milburne

Sheikh's Baby Bombshell

The fireball of the sun painted the sky in orange and rich red ochre. The fierce heat had gone out of the day and a light breeze had come like a ghostly spirit to tease the fronds of the date palms that fringed the oasis below.     This was his favourite time of the day. A tim...

Sheikh's Baby Bombshell by Melanie Milburne

Uncovering the Silveri Secret

It was one of those brush-and-release kisses that made her senses sing with delight. His tongue flickered against hers, cajoling hers into erotic play. She responded with a shiver of reaction that felt like champagne bubbles flowing beneath her skin.     He increased the press...

Uncovering the Silveri Secret by Melanie Milburne

Never Say No to a Caffarelli (2013)

As soon as his lips settled over hers it was as though fireworks had gone off under her skin. She had never felt such a surge of primal male energy before. It touched on something deep and essential to her as a woman. It was like breaking a secret code that had never been solved until now. Her fl...

Never Say No to a Caffarelli (2013) by Melanie Milburne

The Unclaimed Baby (2010)

Bronte’s head was still spinning from the arguments she’d had with her mother over her acceptance of Luca’s proposal. But in the end Bronte had refused to budge, knowing that if she said no to Luca she would not see Ella again. He had made it perfectly clear: she was to marry him or suffer the co...

The Unclaimed Baby (2010) by Melanie Milburne

The Mélendez Forgotten Marriage (2010)

She lay awake for hours, hoping he might come in and join her but he apparently wanted to keep his distance. She spent a restless night, agonising over everything, ruminating over all the stupid decisions she had made, all the crazy choices to be with him in spite of how little he was capable of ...

The Mélendez Forgotten Marriage (2010) by Melanie Milburne

Playboy's Lesson

‘I like that pink outfit you’re wearing.’ ‘Thanks.’ ‘Why do you dress in such drab gear all the time?’ Lottie looked down at her hands, rubbing her finger over her bitten-down thumbnail in a circular pattern. ‘It’s a habit I got into. A way of giving everyone the finger about their criticisms of ...

Playboy's Lesson by Melanie Milburne

Enemies at the Altar (2012)

Whether it was for the benefit of any lurking press, or whether it was because he had taken on board her attempt to apologise for her behaviour all those years ago was still open to question. Andreas had explained on the way in the car from Marseille that the chateau had been in his mother, Evali...

Enemies at the Altar (2012) by Melanie Milburne

His Poor Little Rich Girl (2011)

Lucia told her he was working on an important business project and did not want to be disturbed. ‘He told me to remind you about Rocco Gianatto coming this afternoon to see you about fabrics,’ Lucia added. ‘He should be here any minute. I’ll make coffee and bring it in when he arrives.’ ‘Thank yo...

His Poor Little Rich Girl (2011) by Melanie Milburne

Castellano's Mistress of Revenge (2009)

‘Is—er—Signor Castellano not here for dinner this evening?’ she asked the housekeeper. Celeste smoothed a tiny crease out of the starched white tablecloth. ‘He said he had some business to attend to at his office,’ she said. ‘I didn’t realise he had an office in Monte Carlo,’ Ava said, frowning a...

Castellano's Mistress of Revenge (2009) by Melanie Milburne

The Doctor's Rebel Knight

Rufus was standing by her bed, wagging his tail, his brown marble-like eyes beseeching. ‘I suppose you would like a walk, right?’ she asked, hauling herself upright and shoving the bird’s nest of her hair away from her face. Rufus barked and wagged his tail so hard he knocked off the newly framed...

The Doctor's Rebel Knight by Melanie Milburne

The Wedding Charade (2011)

A member of the paparazzi had told her Nic was staying there, right on the Grand Canal. She was quite pleased with her detective work. Her sources had told her Nic was in a meeting until eight this evening, and then he would be returning to the hotel for a massage before a late dinner; she hadn’t...

The Wedding Charade (2011) by Melanie Milburne

The Future King’s Love-Child (2009)

‘You’re c-coming back again, aren’t you, Mummy?’Cassie squatted down to his level and looked deep into his troubled gaze. ‘Yes, sweetie, of course I am.’His expression was still white with worry. ‘You’re not g-going to be locked away like before, are you?’Cassie suppressed a frown as she hugged h...

The Future King’s Love-Child (2009) by Melanie Milburne

Sydney Harbour Hospital: Lexi's Secret

There was only one parking space left in the Sydney Harbour Hospital basement car park and although, strictly speaking, she shouldn’t have been parking there since she wasn’t a doctor or even a nurse, she was running late with some things for her sister, and it was just too tempting not to grab t...

Sydney Harbour Hospital: Lexi's Secret by Melanie Milburne

Italian Surgeon to the Stars

So shoot me. I’m a lark, not an owl. I like to get on with the day from the get-go. I bounce out of bed and hit the ground like a lightning bolt. It’s because I’m a list-maker. I thrive on being organised. It’s like an addiction. I even write down things I’ve already done, just so I can get that ...

Italian Surgeon to the Stars by Melanie Milburne

Her Mediterranean Playboy (2010)

Although it made her skin slick with perspiration, it was nothing to the scorching heat of Vittorio’s gaze every time it connected with hers. He showed her the sights of Rome, patiently explaining its chequered and at times brutal history, organising special VIP tours so she didn’t have to wait i...

Her Mediterranean Playboy (2010) by Melanie Milburne

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