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Read One Night Of Sin (2014)

One Night of Sin (2014)

Online Book

3.9 of 5 Votes: 1
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1633750485 (ISBN13: 9781633750487)
Entangled Publishing, LLC (Brazen)

One Night Of Sin (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

More like a 2.5. Yeah, Gage had the whole macho, manly, rough sexy act going for him, great alpha male character, and you had Sky was pretty and sassy. Common characters but they still could be pretty great. The author had the plot right but the way it was executed it just sucked. There was no build up and I literally read the book in one sitting. Did not love it and it's a shame because Gage sounds really hot. A good girl can be a bad girl if the right man comes her way or maybe if she finds the bad boy she wants to be with.Wow, I can’t believe I waited so long to read this story. I had everything that I love in a story, a great storyline, great characters and a passion that burnt up the sheets. The moment that they both looked at each other the sexual tension was so thick. Then when they kissed for the first time I thought that they were going to ignite. There was one character in this story that held a piece of my heart and that was Denny, Gage’s little brother. He had a hard life living as a drug addict and how he was trying so hard to be sober trying to get his brother to forgive him. Gage as so cold with him and that was totally wrong he should have embraced his brother and told him that everything would be fine, he should have helped him and gone to see him not to check up to make sure he was sober but just sit back and talk to his brother. I totally understood where Skyler came from she didn’t want to see Gage hurt but Gage knew that was his only option or his brother would have been killed. Enough with that let’s talk about Gage and Skyler. What started as just a hook up between Gage and Skyler developed into so much more. I enjoyed the dialogue between Skyler and her friends it was easy to see that they cared for her and knew that she would end up falling in love with him. It was easy to perfect it in my mind and could totally see this happening out in the real world. Then there is Gage and his co-partners of Sin and how they teased him about him being a goner with Skylar. I loved seeing him so grumpy when he was trying to distance himself from her but he was failing. Even though they both said sex only they were both fools because they were in a real relationship. I know that Gage fought it but Skyler knew when their no strings attach sex became more especially since it seemed she had no trouble in getting him to speak. He talks about everything and she did also but it took her a little longer. I love that he was trying to protect her but she had her own mind and she could make her own decisions. When things are going great between them something happens to him and that’s when he makes the decision that he is not good for her and she tries her best to argue with him but it’s over. No matter how he feels about her she still knows who can help and off she goes.One Night of Sin was captivating from beginning to end. Ms. Kennedy’s writing style is clear and focused and easy to follow. I love it when I am able to get lost in the characters and what is happening in their lives. I connected with these characters from the very beginning. This is a must read!!Received ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an Honest Review

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Great I'm ready for the next book. Also ready to hunt down this author's backlist.

fun, light, angsty read - truly enjoyed

I always enjoy a book by Elle Kennedy!

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