One Of Those Hideous Books Where The Mother Dies (2008) - Plot & Excerpts
Not that depressed, considering I’ve been kidnappedby this monstrous steel pterodactyland it’s flying me all the way to live with my fatherwho I’ve never even metbecause he’s such a scumbagthat he divorced my motherbefore I was even born. I’d say I’m doing reasonably well,considering I’m being draggedthree thousand miles away from all my friendsand my school and my aunt Duffyand the house I’ve lived in ever since I was born,three thousand miles away from my mother,and my mother’s grave,where she lies in a cold wooden boxunder six feet of dirt,just beginning to rot. I’m not that depressedconsidering tha t I’m trappedon this jumbo poison dartshooting me away from everything I love,and there’s this real weird guysitting in the seat right behind mine,who keeps picking his noseand eating it. Depressed? Who? Me? Aunt Duffy Drove Me to the Airport And there was a second therewhen I actually consideredgetting down on my hands and kneesand begging her not to put me on this plane,begging her not to send me away,pleading with her to let me stay in Bostonand live with her instead.
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