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Read Operation Breakthrough (2000)

Operation Breakthrough (2000)

Online Book

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F+W Media

Operation Breakthrough (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

The macadam near the curb was bubbling slowly in the muggy heat. I hurried across the intersection as soon as the light turned green, already uncomfortably sticky.
Exactly what was I supposed to do now with the damn briefcase? I was tempted to leave it in a bus station or train station locker and mail the ticket to Lambert’s, but that type of solution wasn’t going to do Karl Erikson any good.
The thought of Erikson suggested another tack. If I couldn’t backtrack to his organization via the briefcase, why not forget that route and seek information by the direct approach method? I couldn’t lose any more ground than I had already.
I flagged down a Veterans’ cab cruising north on Washington Street almost at the intersection of Patrick. “The Navy Department in the District,” I told the cabbie. I sank back and tried to enjoy the breeze whipped up by our passage as our route took us over the Memorial Bridge to a three-story building on Constitution Avenue near the Lincoln Memorial.

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