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Read Operation Fireball (1997)

Operation Fireball (1997)

Online Book

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F+W Media

Operation Fireball (1997) - Plot & Excerpts

When it came, I set it up in the center of the room so that it would be the first thing visible to anyone entering the room.
Then I went to the bureau drawer and took out the wrapped package of Hazel’s money. I stripped off twine and paper, fanned the thousand fifty-dollar bills out in a crisp semicircle, and placed the fan on the card table so that the corner of each bill could be seen individually.
When their knock came at the door I let them in, Slater eyed the display greedily, Erikson impassively. The blond man extracted a bill from the center of the fan, held it up to the light and examined it, crackled it sharply several times, then returned it to the pile. “Afraid of counterfeit?” I asked Erikson.
“That’s right,” he said. “Counterfeit would have been a complication we couldn’t use on this job.”
“Pretty pictures,” Slater said approvingly. He was still eyeing the bills. “Pretty, pretty pictures. Well, I guess that’s the last hurdle.” He glanced at Erikson who nodded in confirmation.

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