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Read Operation Whiplash (1973)

Operation Whiplash (1973)

Online Book

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F+W Media

Operation Whiplash (1973) - Plot & Excerpts

Hazel had lost none of her enthusiasm for frolicking under water. She was preparing ham and eggs while we both were already on our second cup of coffee. I don’t know why breakfast always smells so much better when someone else is making it. Kaiser, freshly readmitted to the cabin, was taking an eager interest in the activities near the stove.
Hazel brought the plates to the table. Kaiser had the first bite from her plate after she sat down. “Earl,” she said with the directness so characteristic of her, “why don’t we just leave town? We’re together, aren’t we? What can we win by staying?”
“A very good question,” I allowed. “If I knew anywhere we could skip to that syndicate tentacles couldn’t locate us, I’d second the motion. There’s another factor, though.”
“What’s that?”
“I’ve got Jed involved. Although he’d probably tell you he involved himself. I asked him to leave town, but he refused. I don’t know whether it’s bravado, or whether he just doesn’t think the situation’s that serious.

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