Cost her. . . . . She brought a hand up and placed it over her implant. There was a cold, strange kind of energy building there that did not for a second feel natural. It was almost like a void. She had not and would not breathe a word of this to Carson. He was already stressed enough as it was without her adding to his problems. Plus, what was there to say? That, in all likelihood, the entity was corrupting? They already knew that the longer the entity stayed in this dimension the more it would break, until it broke reality with it. Well now she tried to rub warmth back into the flesh surrounding her implant, she realized she was likely feeling the first stages. As she walked, she was more careful to watch where she was going. Though she had always been a clumsy child and an even more uncoordinated adult, with the corruption of the entity, she was having trouble staying on her feet.