What do You think about Out Are The Lights (1983)?
I loved this book. I had previously read Beware by Laymon and didn't love it and this one bears that book by a mile. My copy of Out Are The Lights included bonus stories at the end. I'm not sure if every version does, but definitely read this version if u can because some of the bonus stories are great. The main story here reads at about 250 pages. That's the biggest flaw with this book. Out Are The Lights should've either been cut down to a short story or lengthened to be a more fuller novel. Laymon rushes the ending of this story leaving you wanting more and leaving you wondering why he even wasted your time with some if the aspects of the story that he doesn't really follow thru on. But the great thing about Laymon is he knows how to hook you and you can throw the writer's rule book out the window cuz you're gonna be entertained regardless.
I picked up Laymon's "Out are the Lights" for a little 1980's horror throwback fix. I can honestly say that the book was a fun read though a little disjointed at times due to the merging of storylines.What turned me off was the abrupt ending, and calling it "abrupt" is an understatement. It almost seemed as if Laymon just got bored writing the book and just pinched it off several chapters too early. Maybe that was some early 1980's artsy-fartsy thing to do. I don't know. All I am certain of is that it did not translate well in 2014.2 STARS
Absolut krank. Spannend, ekelig, krank. Ich habe eigentlich keine Angst und weiß genau, das die Geschichten nur Geschichten sind, auch wenn die zum zerreißen spannend sind. Aber schauen wir uns doch mal die momentane "Torture"-Horrorfilm Welle an. Filme wie "Saw", "Hostel" oder auch "Final Destination" zeigen uns doch genau das, was diese Schreck-Filme zeigen. Woher wissen wir, dass die nicht auch Opfer haben - echte Opfer, denn die meisten Darsteller daraus sind komplett unbekannt. Was ich damit sagen will ist, dass mir das teilweise etwas zu realistisch war, als dass ich es als Story genießen konnte, ohne wirklich Angst zu bekommen, dass so ein Verrückter plötzlich neben meinem Bett steht. Alles in allem sehr spannend, aber eben auch total krank!