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Read Perfect Shadow (2011)

Perfect Shadow (2011)

Online Book

4.15 of 5 Votes: 2
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0316196487 (ISBN13: 9780316196482)

Perfect Shadow (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

It was a nice addition to the Nightangel Trilogy about one of the coolest characters.I knew it was short, because it's a novelle, but at some points it felt a bit rushed. Maybe this was also caused by the several layers of time frames between which Weeks jumped rapidly. It was quite hard to reconstruct the real timeline at first. Especially when some parts are written in first person and others (his retelling of his story and dreams of a long ago past) in third person and there is no explanation at first and no real transitions. Eventually it came all together, but it's a bit late if the book ends 10 pages after that.But nevertheless I enjoyed the story of how he became Durzo Blint. I picked this prequel novella to have a taste of Brent Weeks writing style. The story and world building are pretty good, the structure not as much. It is a little confusing as it jumps back and forth in time without clear delineation and the magic system is not explained with much detail, i guess even though this is a prequel to the NA trilogy, it would be better read after the main novels. Will definitely check out the Angel Night trilogy sometime in the near future.

What do You think about Perfect Shadow (2011)?

Really enjoyed this short story about Blint, but dont read it before the Night Angel trilogy!

I loved this whole series. It has some very dark sides to it, but I loved the whole series.

This was fun and revealing. Really wish he merited his own novel but very enjoyable read.

This dude is a really good writer!

not bad but didn't add anything

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