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Read Pick Your Poison

Pick Your Poison

Online Book

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Pick Your Poison - Plot & Excerpts

“I know this is more than you counted on this morning, Callie. You wanted money and didn’t plan to risk your life to get it.”She shrugged, all the color back in her cheeks again and plenty of light in her big blue eyes. “Beats farming.”“Yeah? You interested in a job?”“As the foreign substance expert?” She laughed softly. “Heck, yeah, if I could sell the farm, finally go to college, and earn a degree. I could be a… what is the company called again?”“The Bullet Catchers.”“That has a nice, dangerous ring to it.”“So I guess you’re not going to opt to stay in the car for this job.”She gave him an elbow. “You guess right, pal. You need me.”“I sure do.” He reached a hand around her neck, pulling her closer. “I need you,” he repeated, kissing her hard on the lips, then relaxing and letting the connection turn hotter, slower, and much more meaningful.Under the kiss, she smiled. “You really are the devil.”He pulled away, wiping a stray caramel-colored strand from her face and letting himself get lost in blue eyes about the same color as the sky behind her.

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