Sam’s disembodied voice called from the kitchen. “I’ve got water, milk, soda and beer.” “Uh…a beer,” Delaney answered. Though beer didn’t necessarily go with this particular dish, it wouldn’t hurt to have a little alcoholic courage running through her veins. Sam heaved a dramatic sigh and humor tinted his deep voice. “A woman after my own heart.” Seconds later he made his way back from the kitchen. He carried a couple of Heinekens under his arm and his hands were loaded with steaming plates of huge, fluffy omelettes. He hadn’t been kidding when he’d called it an everything-but-the, Delaney noticed as Sam slid her plate onto the coffee table in front of her. Chunks of cheese, ham, mushrooms and bell pepper were spilling out the sides of the dish. It looked and smelled heavenly. She hummed a low note of approval and smiled her appreciation. “That looks wonderful. Thank you.” Smiling, Sam handed her a beer. “Let me grab a couple of forks and napkins and we’ll be set.”