A small, slender, usually steel instrument that has an eye for thread at one end and that is used for sewing. 2. A teasing or gibing remark. One definition described my days at Camden Harbor, the other, my evenings that last week living with Ashling. I was thrilled when Friday afternoon rolled around. As soon as camp ended, I’d be moving my things out of the house and into the harbor. The late-afternoon sun slanted through the parlor windows as we worked on our samplers, and I was filled with peace. “Miss Libby, Miss Libby!” one of the girls shrieked. Boom—peace shattered. “That boy is back!” The rest of the girls screamed, chucked their samplers willy-nilly over the settee, and ran to the window. “Thith time he’th brought flowerth,” Amanda lisped, amid a chorus of oohs. I stooped to pick up a few samplers, straightened, and looked out the window. Cam was coming up the front walk, with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a small white bag in the other. Not only did he actually have his navy jacket on, buttoned, but he’d also added a waistcoat and even a casually tied cravat—every inch the proper gentleman.