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Read Plague Lords (Empire Of Xibalba, #1)

Plague Lords (Empire of Xibalba, #1)

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Plague Lords (Empire Of Xibalba, #1) - Plot & Excerpts

The companions had already drawn the unwanted attention of the guards stationed inside the store’s entrance. He told the others in a low tone, “We need to move now, and we need to quickstep. Don’t run until we get outside.”“Wait a minute!” the musician called to their backs as they left him standing there.The companions headed for the doors at the south end of the store, purposeful, determined. Their exodus drew some curious looks from other shoppers, but that couldn’t be helped.When they didn’t wait as the musician had asked, he ran to catch up to them. Walking stride for stride alongside Ryan, he demanded, “Where’re you going in such a radblasted hurry? You ain’t taken out your trade, yet.”“We got other business, more important business.”As Ryan took in the man’s confounded face, he imagined he could see the gears of his mind turning over the available facts—under different circumstances it might have been funny. A bad detonator was now a good detonator, now the pack of C-4 was under lock and key, and now the former owners of the precious commodity were hightailing it, empty-handed.“You bastards,”

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