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Read Play Your Heart Out: A Rock Star Romance (Sinful Serenade Book 4)

Play Your Heart Out: A Rock Star Romance (Sinful Serenade Book 4)

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Play Your Heart Out: A Rock Star Romance (Sinful Serenade Book 4) - Plot & Excerpts

Plenty of time for my confusion to settle in. Where the hell does Pete get off pulling away like that?
Damn. If only he'd been reasonable, we could have ended the night with fireworks and orgasms.
The five minute walk in the sweltering sun is enough to make me well aware of my body's other demands. It's well past lunch time. I'm tired. It's damn hot.
I need an iced coffee.
And I need him deep inside me.
Air conditioning pours over my skin as I step into the bookstore. Now, all I need is him deep inside me. It's wrong, thinking dirty thoughts in a law school bookstore. This place is practically a library.
I load my hands with required textbooks, trying hard to think of anything but the matter of fact text from Pete sitting on my phone. I transferred some spending cash into your account. What the hell is his problem? The guy closes off in a hot second then he transfers an obscene sum of money into my bank account.
Enough that I don't need to even think about getting a job for the next twelve months.

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