Playing Catch: A Baseball Romance - Plot & Excerpts
It was exactly one week since she’d had a man in her bed—one week after that walk of shame where she’d met her nemesis, Kirk Kennedy, the golden shadow who insisted on spending his evenings at her bar, chatting with the other ballplayers, but never leaving with any of the women who tried their hand with him. It had gotten to the point that his teammates had started a betting pool on when Kirk would leave with a hot woman. Unbelievable. The man was a favorite with New York fashion models and worth millions, not to mention his family wealth. He couldn’t possibly be saving himself for her, could he? Jeanine shook the delicious thought from her mind, despite how it made her tingle. Nope, he had more ulterior motives. She’d set herself up as a challenge, and men like Kirk could never pass by a challenge. He’d have her on his terms. Sure, he wanted between her legs. No doubt about it. Coming from her background, she had a sixth sense when it came to men telegraphing their lusts.
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