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Read Pleasure For Him

Pleasure for Him

Online Book

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Total-E-Bound Publishing

Pleasure For Him - Plot & Excerpts

Jan Springer   Excerpt   Chapter One       Earth Year 2304, Biosphere A1Z9   Dread flooded Anica Maine as she uploaded her day’s Netmail from her personal compudeck and noticed the final letter of warning from the Order of Authority.
She swore softly beneath her breath closed her eyes and tried hard to still the frantic beat of her heart.
Netmail from the Order of Authority meant only one thing.
It was her turn to be impregnated.
Why she was so surprised was beyond her. All her friends her age had already headed to the Impregnation Centres, gotten pregnant, had their perfect babies and went on with their lives.
She didn’t want to bear a baby. Not now. Not when her career was in full swing and she couldn’t afford to take time off work.
The timing was most inconvenient.
Besides, she’d heard the stories about how impersonal and boring those impregnation machines were. Some women even had to go everyday for months before they got impregnated.
And now it was her turn.
Anica sighed heavily and punched in the address to the nearest I Centre.

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