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Read Pride Of The Plains (2010)

Pride of the Plains (2010)

Online Book

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Pride Of The Plains (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

Moja, the eldest of the cubs by a fraction, was their leader.
‘Why doesn’t he come back?’ Mbili asked Huru.
‘Won’t you look for him again?’ asked Tatu. ‘We miss him.’ ‘Of course you do. And no more than I do myself,’ their mother replied. ‘We’ve searched for him everywhere. I really don’t know where else I can go. So I’ve asked your father to keep his eyes peeled when he’s on his travels. Don’t worry. I still feel we’ll have Moja back with us soon.’ Kimya gave much the same answer to her cubs when they asked, although she was far less sure about Moja’s reappearance. She told her mate, Battlescars’s brother Blackmane, that she feared the worst. ‘A lone cub couldn’t last long on the plains, could he?’ she reasoned. ‘Even if the elephant didn’t break every bone in his body.’ Blackmane sighed. ‘The longer he’s absent the more likely it is that he’s dead,’ he agreed. ‘But my brother and I may find him on our journey to the larger pride.

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