I may end up repeating some things from my Princess In the Spotlight review but bear with me (or is it bare with me? I never know...)! So once again, Mia is narrating the story from her diary. I really like this choice of format because it really does emphasize Mia's voice.Once again, I'm not liking Lilly all that much even though she's slightly better in this book simply because Mia doesn't tell her as much so how would she know not to say certain things? Still, she still seems really selfish and never really looks at Mia's problems in a deeper light, This book does end rather abruptly (after a certain event that we've all been hoping would happen!) although I can see the reasoning why. It's the perfect pick-up point for the next book even if it does seem a bit out of place in this book. And because the book is in diary format, we only get so much information as Mia can write down and if she's just had a totally life-changing event happen, well she isn't going to be writing much.This time around, I actually found Grandmere a little funny. We got to see more of her personality in this book as she was developed from a more flat secondary character to a more complex one.The one complaint I have about this book is that some things just weren't elaborated on enough and I was really confused as to what exactly went down (for example Kenny's declaration in the hallway and Mia's press conference/interview about the dress spread). It was just a little vague and Mia only suggested at things that happened rather than just reliving it play-by-play like she normally does.The Final Verdict:I came to love Mia even more in this installment and I'm so glad we finally get to know more about Grandmere. Once again, I found issues with Lilly and some things just weren't elaborated on enough. However, Mia's voice is as stunning as ever!4 starsQuotes:“Grandmere says she can't get over the change in me. She says I seem taller. And you know maybe I am. She thinks it's because I'm wearing another one of Sebastiano's original creations, designed just for me,just like the dress that was supposed to make Michael see me as more than just his little sister's best friend . . . except that it turned out he already did. But I know that's not it. And it isn't love, either. Well, not entirely. I'll tell you what it is: self-actualization. That and the fact that it turns out I'm really a princess, after all. I must be, because guess what? I'm living happily ever after.” “The way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if pretty soon I start wearing ripped-up fishnet stockings and dyeing my hair black. Maybe I'll even start smoking and get my ears double-pierced or something. And then they'll make a TV movie about me and call it Royal Scandal. It will show me going up to Prince William and saying,'Who's the most popular young royal now, huh, punk?' and then headbutting him or something.” “Saturday, December 12, 8 p.m., the LoftI WILL PASS ALGEBRA THIS SEMESTER, and NOTHING IS GOING TO DISTRACT ME FROM STUDYING FOR THE FINAL!!!!!!!!!!! Saturday, December 12, 9 p.m., the Loft I just had to go out and see the part where Bruce Willis throws the explosives down the elevator shaft, but now I am back to work.”“I usually know almost exactly how I feel. The problem is, I just can't tell anyone.” “Whatever. Boris, must you constantly breathe on me?” “If the guy likes/loves you, he won't care if you are a good kisser or not.He should like you for what you are - not how you kiss.” “Roses are red, violets are blue. You may not know it, but someone loves you.”
My reaction after finishing this one:I cried a little and squealed a lot .I swear to God,my mom came into my room like:But I didn't care at all.I was like:I'm smiling while writing this,something is seriously wrong with me...I'm in love with Michael.If someone told me that I'll be reading The Princess Diaries series again in high school and be more emotional about it than when I was 12 years old,I wouldn't believe him.But it's true.I'm pretty sure that 6 years ago I didn't squeal this much because of the ending.But honestly,the whole book was so fun and interesting.Sebastiano is such a cutie and Lilly is being cool + Grandmère is awesome.Favourite quotes:''Saturday, December 12, 8 p.m., the LoftI WILL PASS ALGEBRA THIS SEMESTER, and NOTHING IS GOING TO DISTRACT ME FROM STUDYING FOR THE FINAL!!!!!!!!!!! Saturday, December 12, 9 p.m., the Loft I just had to go out and see the part where Bruce Willis throws the explosives down the elevator shaft, but now I am back to work.''''The way things are going, I wouldn't be surprised if pretty soon I start wearing ripped-up fishnet stockings and dyeing my hair black. Maybe I'll even start smoking and get my ears double-pierced or something. And then they'll make a TV movie about me and call it Royal Scandal. It will show me going up to Prince William and saying,'Who's the most popular young royal now, huh, punk?' and then headbutting him or something.''''Grandmere says she can't get over the change in me. She says I seem taller. And you know maybe I am. She thinks it's because I'm wearing another one of Sebastiano's original creations, designed just for me,just like the dress that was supposed to make Michael see me as more than just his little sister's best friend . . . except that it turned out he already did. But I know that's not it. And it isn't love, either. Well, not entirely. I'll tell you what it is: self-actualization. That and the fact that it turns out I'm really a princess, after all. I must be, because guess what? I'm living happily ever after.''
What do You think about Princess In Love (2003)?
To see full binge review of books 1-3 click here.I shouldn’t love this book as much as I do.But whatever.Mia and Michael x’s infinity.Yes, I’m fangirling.But you would too with these two.Okay, to get serious, Princess in Love would’ve been a nice wrap up to the series to be honest. It sort of had that perfect gooey feeling to it. Where you just wanted to wrap yourself up and love it. Even the ending scene was just perfect.That would be in part becuase the series was originally intended as three books (Cabot didn’t know if she was going to get to write more), luckily she did. Though, for Mia’s neurosis that probably wasn’t the best idea.While I could be fangirling about how this book made me want my ship so badly, hate stupid Kenny for getting in the way, etc. I am going to note on one big thing that really made me open my eyes in this installment: Lilly.You know, I can’t stand her. Which is odd because I used to be one of the biggest Lilly defenders. I think my issue with this character is that I’ve grown up and I just want to tell her to shove it, like with that stupid walk out of hers.I know, she gets worse. I know she has issues. But come on…She has a hot brother though, so I guess that makes up for everything.That and she can make some hilarious comedic relief.It’s interesting just how polarizing this character is. I am really interested in seeing the state of her relationship with Mia post book ten. I hope that more grown up Mia tells her shove it whenever she gets on one of her tyrannical rants or at least leaves her alone with Grandmere…that would probably count as elder abuse.In all, this one was still enjoyable as ever. Especially if you like angst in your ships.
—Howdy YAL
Mia está de volta e às voltas com um admirador secreto, que ela torce que seja Michael, o irmão de sua melhor amiga (desde o jardim da infância) Lilly, a mãe de Mia está grávida (e ela se pergunta se a mãe usa ou não camisinha), as aulas de álgebra continua e as aulas de "Princesa" também, nossa heroína continua a buscar um ponto de equilíbrio..Nesse terceiro Diário, Mia já está mais "treinada" para a sua nova jornada de "ser Princesa", ansiosa com a chegada do primeiro Baile da Escola e do seu primeiro discurso em Genóvia!A insegurança continua por perto: Mia se sente muito alta, magra, não gosta dos cabelos, se sente extremamente desajeitada e sua Grandmére (Clarisse Renaldo) usa de todos os meios que está ao seu alcance para mostrar à neta que é uma garota muito bonita... aliás, é o ponto que mais gostei desse livro, a avó começa a aparecer com todas as facetas...Mia também passa por suas primeiras entrevistas, e não foi fácil, para uma garota tão tímida enfrentar a mídia...O amor está no ar, todas as amigas de Mia estão namorando, e ela não quer ficar atrás...Esse livro nos faz dar aquela risadinha de "canto de boca" - tipo - eu também passei por isso!!!Adorável!!!Recomento e estou ansiosíssima para ir para o próximo volume!!!
—Roseli Gomes
Loved it! Man, am I flying through this series or what?This is a reread for me.. I wanted to reread this series because 1. I love this series and I've never reread them so I thought, hey! why not! 2. A Royal Wedding is coming out in June AND I'M SO EXCITED I CAN'T WAIT!!!(view spoiler)[ Some of you may not be able to relate to the whole Kenny issue that Mia found herself in.. but that's probably because you can speak your mind. When I was Mia's age, I could TOTALLY see myself having something like that happen to me. Where a guy friend likes you, and because you don't say anything you basically start going out.. even though Mia has no feelings for the guy (past friendship feelings I mean) she really just didn't want to hurt his feelings. (I too worry about hurting other people's feelings ALL. THE. TIME.) Then there was the part of her that had WANTED a boyfriend for so darn long and now that she had one, I think part of her just didn't want to give that up. I mean, she's only 14.. give the girl a break. All of her friends had boyfriends. I definitely think she should have told Kenny MUCH much sooner though that she just wanted to be friends.. how hilarious was it that Kenny thought Mia liked Boris?! Yikes...ONE of the reasons why I loved this book was because of Michael. What did you all think when Mia started giving him those cute little cards with the poems in them? Then he made that game for her?! Wasn't that the cutest?! Of course, Mia screamed, fell over in her chair, then ran crying to the bathroom.. but could you blame her? I mean, she thought that this super cute senior who she was in love with was making fun of her feelings? (Well, she thought he was anyways..) I was SO happy that her Grandma talked her out of the fire escape so she went the dance. Then Michael and her kissed! <3 So cute. Who also loved how Mia started her own press conference, and told everyone that all of her cousin's proceeds from the dresses would be going to Greenpeace? I love it! I was so proud of her!Who was also SOMEWHAT proud of her when she pulled the fire alarm? And crushed Lana's phone? Okay.. so maybe those aren't things to be super PROUD about... but at least Mia is standing up for herself.. sorta? The phone smashing definitely was. You know how many times I WISH I would have just picked up a mean girls phone and smashed it with MY boots? Ya.. A lot. But I never have. (Maybe that's for the best.. I mean, Mia did get suspended..) (hide spoiler)]
—Jessica (priceiswong)