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Read Prisoner Of My Desire (1991)

Prisoner of My Desire (1991)

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0380756277 (ISBN13: 9780380756278)

Prisoner Of My Desire (1991) - Plot & Excerpts

There is so much I'm willing to forgive in a HR taking place in the Middle Ages. I would actually prefer not to have woman's lib and obnoxiously feisty (or male-wannabe) heroines fettered during this time. But there is one interesting feature in this book - the heroine rapes the hero.Scandalous, I know. It's really unbelievable and I was anxious about how it was all going to work. It does, in my favorite way - angry sex, guilt and occassional moments of soul-sucking love.Rowena's step brother, Gilbert d'Ambray has the hots for her, but in no way is marrying her acceptable, especially when she would be more useful in marrying old depraved men who could supplement his forces against Warrick deChaville, and produce a male heir. But when the chosen groom dies before consummation, a 'serf' with similar features is chosen and Rowena is 'encouraged' to do the deed. Of course, it was no serf that was captured but Warrick, and Rowena has to forcefully seduce this man for 3 days. Until she finds a way to free him, but he returns with his armies, this time wanting his revenge.Warrick has some serious issues. He has a tendency to thirst for revenge and has no tolerance for getting the whole story. Plus he has snotty daughters and he's frequently an arrogant bastard. Yet, he does have some good qualities. He's funny and has a nice smile (when he finally loosens up) and he's big and hunky, and he doesn't kill women (just emotionally/sexually tortures them or whips them as a type of disciplinary action - not the heroine, but his daughter). But, considering the time period, he wasn't too bad. Warrick is ashamed that his body betrayed him when Rowena rapes him, so he tries to repay the favor to a 10 fold, but its really not the same. Rowena is repentant and asks for forgiveness repeatedly and takes the punishment that she deems fair. I just wish that Warrick wasn't such a hardass and actually listened to her explanations.Rowena's brother isn't too bad either - just kinda dumb. Weird how I actually kinda felt sorry for him and hoped that he could redeem himself and get his own HEA. Rowena goes through a lot of guilt and self-sacrifice. Somehow, there's a part of me that enjoys this kind of suffering. She's a strong character who gets stuck is a very uneasy situation. It doesn't help that most of the men in her life suck. Once she realizes her power over Warrick and stops felling all guilty, she gets to be really cool. She's also preggers during most of this.There was some issue with diction in this book. Like 'Manroot' was used generously. This is such a disgusting word that I had to convert the word to enjoy those parts at all. Sex has a bit of dubious consent, but not as bad as the Vikings (but then again, anything is better than that). Inadvertantly, there is some bondage. I may be saying bad things about this book, but I honestly really liked it. There were no real bad guys, but lots of men doing bad things, thinking that they have the right to. The heroine is strong and likable and so are the additional female characters.

I love this book the beginning was a little different for me but I still loved it.I HOPE I DON'T RUB SOMEONE THE WRONG WAY, but I just want to say this before I give my thoughts on the book. Most of these authors are starting to write or have written aggressive love scenes, I accept this because I know its all for entertainment, and I think if you know that the author always writes aggressive love scenes then don't read the books if you find them offensive and degrading. I am not talking about this book mainly but other books because even when the scene is nowhere near rape, some readers are quick to say rape and I think the word is always being thrown around in these book reviews too much. Mainly for the historical romance novels. You can say no for disagreeing with me,however, I think some readers throw the word too much out there. The word gets thrown around that the value of the word is lessen because its such a strong word and women who have been through such a very violent act would read some of these books and think no way can it compare to what they have been through. Yes, I have read a handful of books that actual has rape scenes in them. There is 1 book that I have read where the female was raped and abuse by 5 men and it was a romance novel by a well known historical romance author, and that to me is offensive and to me that was RAPE. Some of these women in the historical romance novel might be unwilling at first, but a quarter way through their love scenes, they are willing and not saying no, and if they wake up in the morning and did not say they were rape then its not rape. Some people might have different thoughts or opinion on what they think rape is, as for me, like I said, I do not like seeing the word get thrown around in these reviews like its just another word. Book ThoughtsI loved this book its what you expect from a historical romance, the drama, love, miscommunication and good characters. Lady Rowena was between a rock and a hard place and had to do what she did because of her evil stepbrother. And even though what she had to do to Lord Warrick wasn't her idea, she had to do what she had to do. Lord Warrick was a bit more aggressive towards her in return, because I guess some men don't want their manhood to be taken away like that. I mean all around, this was a good book very strong chemistry between the hero and heroine..If your really a die hard historical romance reader and you know what to expect from them and you love Johanna Lindsey, or your just discovering her, get this book...and I hope you like it.

What do You think about Prisoner Of My Desire (1991)?

I assigned this book for Romance Lovers Book Club and so have no one else to blame but myself for the pain of reading it. I am looking forward to discussing the book, though, and hearing why some people (cough, Dabney, cough) love the book. I suppose I need to give an actual review. The faux-medieval language was nearly impossible to read. It was super rapey and when they finally started having consensual sex I was still creeped out. I didn't find either of the characters sympathetic. Rowena was too perfect with her sensitive alabaster skin and ability to be tiny and curvy at the same time. Warrick had no redeeming qualities that I could tell. Again, I can't wait to discuss the book and hear why people like it.

Rowena Belleme has lost everything. She has lost her father, control of her lands and home, and now even her mother is out-of-reach. She and her mother were placed at the mercy of a vicious stepfather, and now since his recent demise his barbaric, bastardly son has taken his place. He holds complete control over Rowena by constant threats to the life of her mother. His most recent demand that she marry and produce an heir to the "aging corpse" of a neighboring Lord is more than she can bear. Until the wrinkled sack of skin does them all a favor and dies on his wedding night before she has to suffer his touch. This, however, does not stop the evil machinations of her filthy stepbrother. He just finds a replacement. A man whom he chains to the bed and expects her to rape so that said heir can still be produced assuring him control over the dead Lord's estates and knights. Rowena knows she must go through with it to save all of their lives, but how will she live with herself after? Warrick deChaville has stopped at nothing to seek revenge on his enemies since everything was taken from him as a young squire. He has rightly earned his most fearsome reputation. This will be no different. Just because she is a woman, he will give her no quarter! She has committed acts against his manhood that no one has dared before. The captor will soon become his captive in all ways! Johanna Lindsey's romances can only be described as brutal! Yes, brutal! They leave you stunned and gasping at every turn, but somehow still seem to come up with a fairly happy ending. It's amazing! They're amazing! She is able to bring to life the most passionate romance from the basest of acts and situations. Yet, she can still make you love the character with the ugliest flaws in the end! Never disappointing!

This book is a great read because of the story, and how well Johanna Lindsey tackled a tacky plot. Warning - It has rape involved. Both, of the Hero and the Heroine. The heroine is forced to make physical relation with the hero; or see her mother die at the hands of her step brother. The hero when gets a chance to escape, he comes back and takes her prisoner believing her to be an immoral woman and seeks to exact revenge by raping her in return. As he says 'Like For Like'. But what ensues the revenge was a lesson a hardened warrior learns in love. He couldn't stop himself from taking her more times than he cynically planned. And she miserably failed to loath his touch every single time ! Warrick and Rowena - theirs is a romance that will make you frustrated, render you cursing, but in the end it'll leave you with a complacent smile, no less.
—Blaze King

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