They’d been getting ready to head home when Wolf had gotten a message on their emergency satellite phone. The phone was only used in extreme emergencies back home. Mozart and the others had waited anxiously to hear what the issue was. Abe and Cookie were hoping like hell it wasn’t anything to do with their women. Mozart wasn’t too worried for himself, Summer was up in Big Bear working at the motel. But he was concerned for his friends. When Wolf had come back to them and said bluntly that Summer had disappeared, Mozart at first didn’t understand what he’d said. “Did you hear me, Mozart?” Wolf had asked gently. “What do you mean, disappeared? What was the message?” All Mozart could think was that maybe she’d decided she didn’t want to be with him anymore and had just left. “Tex got a hold of the Commander. Summer called Tex. The handyman at the hotel where she was working is Hurst.