Someone he cared for was in trouble. Someone he loved needed him and he couldn’t get to her. He reached out but his groping fingers encountered only empty air. But he could hear her, hear her soft moans of pain and he knew she was in danger… He sat up with a start. It was no dream. K was missing from her usual place in the sleeping platform. Generally they curled up with her back to his chest for maximum skin contact and fell asleep together. Boone liked that—liked it a lot more than he wanted to admit. K felt right in his arms, as though she belonged there. He liked it even better when she turned toward him in her sleep and pressed her face to his chest. It gave him a powerful feeling, a mixture of protectiveness and possessiveness to have her sleep so trustingly, curled up close to him. But now she was gone. “K?” His voice sounded hoarse and worried in the darkness. When he reached for her, his seeking fingers encountered only empty air—just like in his dream. Her spot on the sleep platform was cold, as though she’d been gone for a long time.
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