Nothing new there. She was getting really good at functioning in a sleep-deprived state. As long as she didn’t wake up by the side of a road again, like she had once in the early days, she could deal with it.They’d returned home last night to discover that one of the university girls was running a high fever and the Tylenol Larisa had been dumping down her throat didn’t appear to be working.The girl’s name was Emma. A good chunk of her arm had been torn off. The skin around the gash was hot to the touch and there were red streaks crawling up to her shoulder and down toward her elbow. Larisa had explained that this was a major sign of infection, along with her 103 degree temperature. Her friend Janelle wasn’t doing well either. She’d taken a knife to the stomach and had started vomiting blood about an hour ago. Although Clementine was no expert, she was pretty positive there was internal bleeding. Without proper medical care, they both might not make it.“I don’t know what to do,”