What do You think about Rani In The Mermaid Lagoon (2006)?
I think we have all had our own times where felt left out or just plain useless. Rani goes on an adventure to find where she fits into the world of the faeries. She wants to feel she can make a difference in Pixie Hollow, but, because she is different from the others, now they only see her differences. In some ways they see her as incapable of using her talent as she always has. Rain comes to understand that her talent is just fine, and she learns to be creative along the way. So on the outside she maybe different from the other faeries, but on the inside she is a stronger faerie.
—Shannon McGee
Rani tahu tidak mudah menjadi satu-satunya peri tanpa sayap.. tetapi, dia begitu menyesal karena tidak bisa membuat air mancur sesuai kebiasaannya.. Rani memutuskan untuk pergi ke Mermaid Lagoon..tempat terindah di seluruh penjuru Never land.Akan tetapi Rani juga tidak merasa cocok di Mermaid Lagoon, jadi dimanakah tempat Rani?(kita seeing merasa bahwa kita tidak pants berada di suatu tempat.. Lalu dimanakah tempat kita? jawaban yang pasti dan sebenarnya sudah kita ketahui: disamping orang yang menyayangi kita dan menrima kita apa adanya..:))
My little friend, Lexie, loaned me her "Fairies" books. This is the first one I've read. It is a sweet, easy story. Rani isn't like other fairies, so she feels left out and lonely. She runs away and ends up at the Mermaid Lagoon. Here she finds out that life isn't as bad as she thought it is, and that no matter how nice different things are, and how exciting adventures are, there just isn't any place as sweet as home. I enjoyed reading this book. I will be reading more of the Fairies series in the future.