Razor's Traitorous Heart: The Alliance Book 2 - Plot & Excerpts
Colbert said, sitting back and staring moodily at Badrick. “Why should I believe you now?” Badrick kept the bland expression of calm on his face even as he seethed in anger. His private security team had discovered a tracking device that had been planted on his transport. He knew exactly who had ordered it placed there. It was time to depart this horrid planet before Razor discovered the extent of his deceit. His hope of using the unusual female population to repay some of his debtors had seemed a good plan until Razor was brought into the conflict. “If your men had killed him like they were supposed to he wouldn’t be an issue,” Badrick pointed out. His eyes flickered to the unconscious female that had been brought in just minutes after he arrived. A small smile curved his lips. Perhaps he could have a limited amount of satisfaction before he left. “I have submitted my recommendation that he be removed from his position to the Alliance Council.” Colbert straightened and stood up.
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