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Read Reason To Believe

Reason To Believe

Online Book

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Simon and Schuster

Reason To Believe - Plot & Excerpts

Arianna leaned back in the deli booth, pushing away a barely eaten green salad. “About Brian, and our past, and what I was feeling in that room. I know you want to know all that.”
    “As much as I like getting big points, those aren’t the questions I want to ask.” He reached across the table and touched the thin gold band she wore. “Why do you handle this thing the way you do?”
    She jerked her hand away, staring at him. “How…when did you notice that?”
    “The first time I watched you on the set.” He ate one of his French fries. “It’s kind of hard to miss.”
    Was it? “And what did you think?”
    “That you had a nervous habit.” He wiped his mouth, and set the napkin on the table. “But then you proved that the ring has an inordinately high value to you. And back in Brian’s office, you practically broke your finger yanking on it while you were…”

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