Redemption (A NOVEL OF THE SEVEN SIGNS) - Plot & Excerpts
The hell-spelled air boiled in fury. And twelve vampires screamed, flesh melting from bones.He exploded into action.Nine seconds to slash off their heads. Swift, precise, calculated to the last slice.He landed in a mess of blood. His fireball dissipated, eaten by furious hellspells. He whirled, the breeze snapping his bloodstained hair back, and dived down the terrace steps into blackness.Hell.Sightless, oppressive heat. Only the stink and the screams of damned creatures to guide his way. He lit his angelsight, a rich cordite flare, but the smoking hellspells blinded him.Shit. His wing glow smothered under wailing black shadows. Vampires screeched and chewed at his legs, gripping with unearthly strength. He stabbed, slashed off limbs, broke bones and necks.One jumped on his back, hacking at the roots of his feathers with something sharp and jagged. His blood splurted. Crap, that hurt. Disoriented, he crashed into a pile of corpses. They flopped, stinking, and he tumbled face-first into a heap of rotting flesh.Ew.
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