Jonah yelled, even though of course Charles Lindbergh couldn’t hear him. “They’re liars and cheats, and—and kidnappers! They’re kidnappers, your worst enemies! They kidnapped your son, or they will, or—well, I don’t know how the timing works, but you can’t trust Gary and Hodge!” Jonah was surprised at how much he wanted to keep yelling. You should be relieved, he told himself. You’ve been waiting for ages for Gary and Hodge to show up. Finally! Now you have your chance to see what deal they offered Lindbergh, how they got him to kidnap Katherine. But how could Lindbergh kidnap any other parents’ child, after what he’d been through himself? Jonah forced himself to shut his mouth. He forced himself to keep watching Lindbergh and Gary and Hodge on the screen. And . . . he watched as the door finished its swinging arc, coming to a stop firmly against the wooden frame of the doorway. Okay, readjust the camera angle, Jonah thought. In the hours and hours and days and days Jonah had already watched, the camera had almost always jumped automatically to the best viewpoint.