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Read Roba Como Un Artista: Las 10 Cosas Que Nadie Te Ha Dicho Acerca De Ser Creativo (2012)

Roba como un artista: Las 10 cosas que nadie te ha dicho acerca de ser creativo (2012)

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6071120853 (ISBN13: 9786071120854)

Roba Como Un Artista: Las 10 Cosas Que Nadie Te Ha Dicho Acerca De Ser Creativo (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

“Creativity is for everyone”, you just need to know how to unleash it. This book is loaded with simple advice and reveals 10 ways to pull that creativity out of yourself. Contained between the pages of this little book are more than just the 10 promised suggestions, because each chapter is filled with unique ideas that can resonate with the creativity of the reader in different ways. Kleon frankly shares the advice he wishes he knew as a young creative, and gives readers a head start to exploring their own artistic “mashup”. This book is a must-read for starting artists and other creatives who are in need of a kick in the pants to get going on their trade, hobby, or projects. Some of his ideas include, “nothing is original”, “…artists collect selectively”, and “practice productive procrastination”. Some of them may seem like no-brainers when you first read them, but I was amazed to find how much I needed to hear, or read, them. The book is a little black square with some white writing on it, and the inside reflects the same. The text ranges from huge to a readable small and is arranged non-intimidating chunks that simply describe the topic and then moves on. Quotes and pictures are scattered throughout the book, appropriately enhancing the advice given in each chapter. Kleon’s illustrations are rudimentary and usually contain words or diagrams. “Steal Like and Artist” is a quick read, but, though it is short, it contains so many ideas and such mind-blowingly simple advice that I suggest taking your time and reflecting on the chapters as they stand out to you. Please not that only the first part of the book is about stealing, and was good. Rest of the book was just plain how-to book that doesn't offer anything better than other how-to books offer.About the whole book: It was a quick and easy reading. It doesn't teach you anything new but it does show you the importance of the little things you do to get creative in your routine without knowing, so you can make it regularly.You already know and do what this book tells you to do, but when you read it in a book, you just understand that a lot of people do it, so you should keep doing it. Some parts were really unnecessary and waste of a time, though.

What do You think about Roba Como Un Artista: Las 10 Cosas Que Nadie Te Ha Dicho Acerca De Ser Creativo (2012)?

This is a book that reads like a blog post. The problem with buying eBooks is sometimes you don't realize how puny a book is until after you've bought it. I think I read through this thing in an hour and probably could have gotten just as much advice by scrolling through the inspirational section of Pinterest.It's not that there's anything wrong with the content of this book, it's just that I wanted to read an actual BOOK that would actually expound upon the ideas in it.

Kniha, kterou byste si měli přehrknout pokaždé, když se chystáte něco tvořit, nebo pokaždé, když jste na mrtvém bodě. Nebo prostě pokaždé, když se nudíte. Prostě ji čtěte, podtrhávejte v ní, listujte, značte si to, co vás nakoplo a inspirovalo. Je to jedna z těch knih, které miluju - mluví o něčem, co všichni plus mínus víme, akorát to podá v takové podobě, že nás to nutí utíkat a udělat všechno, co jsme kdy chtěli. 4,5*

short, sweet, simple. One of those "I could have written that" books.

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