Liv wasn’t that huge of an enigma to me—I’d changed her diaper when I was three and she was two for God’s sake. I also knew the usual suspects when she was trying to keep something from me. For two years while I was at Walpole, I had no idea she was strippin’ to make ends meet. Usually her own conscious wore down on her and she ended up tellin’ me what I wanted to know but that wasn’t the point. This time, she was scared. Of what, though? She must have thought I was an idiot. I had been to enough strip clubs, including the one she’d formally been employed by. It was one of the reasons why I was so angry when I found out she worked there, I knocked out an Aryan Guerilla Brotherhood guy and almost started a race riot since the Black American Legion and the United Mayan Nation joined in. Not only that but the Russians and the Irish—who refused to belong to the Aryans despite being white due to protection they mostly received by the amount of Irish-American guards while the Russians paid off the guards to keep others away from the Bratva.