Russian Roulette: How British Spies Thwarted Lenin's Plot For Global Revolution - Plot & Excerpts
In reality, it was not an invasion at all. A mere 1,500 men had been put ashore and their goal was to secure the stockpiles of unused weaponry, not to attack the Bolsheviks. Yet it had led to a swift reaction from Lenin and Trotsky. The raid on the Western consulates on the day of the landings was a clear sign that Bolshevik Russia was now a hostile power.George Hill had been preparing to go underground for many months. Yet when the time finally came, he felt a sudden panic. ‘I had a momentary but first-class attack of nerves,’ he wrote. ‘In half an hour, I should be a spy outside the law with no redress if caught, just a summary trial and then up against a wall.’He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. Then, after convincing himself that he was doing the right thing, he prepared to leave his flat and begin a wholly new life, taking a last glance at the treasured possessions he was leaving behind: ‘My hat and sword, my photographs and favourite books, one or two prized decorations, various small things I had bought to take back to England .
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