This is the first American Girl book I've read with my daughter. I hesitated to jump on the band-wagon but at my daughter's insistence we picked up a book. I love how there is a whole-some story with light accents of real-day common struggles between girls and their friendships and families. These struggles made great conversation starters for us and we are excited to read another American Girl book! Jessica Mitchell, 11Saige4 starsI'm literally blowing away with the wind right now because my friend punched me really hard and all my insides popped out! Don't worry! I asked her to. I was just testing to see if i was just dreaming. This book was amazing!Literally all american girl books leave me a crying heap on the floor--how come i've never done something truly inspirational like those guys! I don't have time to type up a review right now...but...THIS BOOK WAS GREAT!
I love how Sage wants to save the art program because I love art!
sad , cute and interesting.
How do you read????