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Read Saving His Mate (A Vampire-werewolf Romance)

Saving His Mate (A vampire-werewolf romance)

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Savannah Stuart

Saving His Mate (A Vampire-werewolf Romance) - Plot & Excerpts

The front door quietly closed and that sweet lavender scent made him go rock hard. He was like a trained monkey. All he had to do was smell her unique, erotic scent and he was ready to go.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he called out from the living room. It was still daytime so the drapes and hurricane shutters were pulled tight, but the sun should be setting in less than an hour. And he had a date planned for them. They’d gone straight from sleeping together to living together and now he was making up for it, taking her out every chance he got. He’d also put an engagement ring on her finger.
He wanted every male, regardless of species, to know she was taken. She deserved the courting he’d planned to give her and he wanted marriage. He’d been human at one time and some dormant part of him needed to make the commitment even more official.
“Hey, babe.” She strode into the room carrying a takeout bag of what he guessed was some of her favorite chocolate, buttercream cupcakes if the scent was any indication.

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