Seth sniffed the air and Logan knew he could smell that they had had sex; he also knew, as soon as Seth was able to, he was going to kick Logan’s arse. Seth’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Logan but, before he could say anything, Callie came out from the bathroom. ‘I’m ready to go home,’ she said flatly. ‘I need a nice bath and lots of sleep.’ She smiled at Sarah, but the smile didn’t quite reach her eyes. Logan noticed her red-rimmed eyes and the dark shadows beneath them; he wished he could take back what he’d said to her. Hell, he wished he could take back the whole day and tell Seth to get his own god damn flowers. Callie made her way out of the door, with Sarah following closely behind her. Seth immediately turned to Logan. ‘You fucking bastard,’ he hissed. ‘You couldn’t keep it in your pants for one god damn day. Sarah is gonna shove your balls down your throat once she talks to Callie.’ He ran his fingers through his hair, clearly not finished, but knowing they needed to get back home.