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Read Secret Of Richmond Manor (1995)

Secret of Richmond Manor (1995)

Online Book

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Moody Publishers

Secret Of Richmond Manor (1995) - Plot & Excerpts

Tom threatened to stick his head under the pump if he didn’t straighten up. “You’re acting like a bear with a sore tail,” he told him sternly. “We’ve got a war to fight here, and you’re not helping any acting like a spoiled brat.”
Jeff glared at him but made no answer, for he knew Tom was right. He was aware that there were stirrings in the camp. A battle might be in the offing, and he asked his father about it.
“There’s a Federal general called Pope, who’s taking charge of one of the Yankee armies. He’s already made General Lee mad.”
“General Lee got mad? What did Pope do?” Jeff demanded, amazed.
“Why, he said he was going to deal harshly with any Confederate sympathizers in the Shenandoah Valley. He’s going to treat civilians like spies, maybe even have them shot.”
“Why, he can’t do that! Not civilians!”
Tom shook his head. “Not much telling what a general will do. General Lee said Pope must be stopped. They said he was about as mad as he ever gets.”

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