He just couldn’t resist the urge to feel her smooth skin beneath the pads of his fingertips. He was starting to realize that seducing Valencia wasn’t going to be an easy task. She wasn’t completely immune to him. He could tell from the way her pulse quickened underneath the caress of his thumb. She felt something; he was sure of that. But when it came to her stance on business only she was as unyielding as a stone wall. Fortunately, even a stone wall couldn’t stop a man from penetrating the fortress he craved. His problem wasn’t whether or not he would eventually win in his seduction. He was fairly confident that he could. His problem was that he, in such a short time, was starting to think he wanted more than just one night of Valencia straddled his body with him firmly implanted within her warm chamber. He was starting to think he wanted more, a lot more, than just sex, and that scared him. In all his years he had never been the man to want a long lasting relationship.