Seeking The Mythical Future (1977) - Plot & Excerpts
He was late; it seemed that nowadays he could do nothing to schedule, from eating breakfast to making love: time escaped as through a sieve and he was always in a hurry to catch up with yesterday. And now the MDA (Medikal Direktorate Authority), not content with restricting his budget for the new fiscal year, had increased his workload with yet another priority case for which they required immediate answers and snap judgments. If only he had the staff, resources and equipment then maybe he could have gone half-way to meeting their demands, but they were expecting the impossible when all he had to offer was the merely adequate. The new blonde receptionist smiled her most fetching grimace and he mentally filed her away under Desirability +7, Availability +9. Perhaps dinner in a quiet restaurant, a couple of highballs, and the suggestion of a nightcap in his bachelor apartment … but in the meantime he had enough on his plate, sex aside, to fill most of his waking hours. So he adopted his professional manner and asked for the Admissions Sheet, which she placed before him on the grey vinyl-topped counter.
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