And hundreds of blonde-haired women lived in Atlanta, dozens with blue eyes. No, violet. The caller specifically described her eyes as violet.Mentally he ticked off the facts of the case. Logic told him that she could be involved. She was alphabetically inclined. The first robberies occurred the week Casey's ad appeared in the paper. The areas hit spanned a ten-mile radius encompassing her house. And something strange was going on between her and that man, Travis. Now a possible witness had identified a woman matching Casey's description near one of the crime scenes.Did the police have this information, too?Gabe raked a hand through his hair in frustration. Of course, the call had been anonymous so someone could have described Casey to get back at her for some personal reason. But who would have a beef against her? She was a children's writer...Everyone made mistakes, but he couldn't be wrong about Casey. Nothing on God's green earth could convince him she was a thief.Any woman who saved worms and created beautiful children's books couldn't possibly be a criminal.