Sam replied in a hurry. He breezed into the kitchen where Afia was preparing an early dinner and kissed his wife’s lips, lingering with a smile at the familiar feel of her mouth against his. Sam closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. “Mmm, smells good. You almost done in here? If we hurry, we can squeeze in a quickie while the twins are asleep before she arrives.” “But, if we wait, we can have something to look forward to for the date we have planned this evening,” she said with a waggle of her eyebrows. “Better suggestion—how about we do both?” He grinned as he backed out of the kitchen. “I like that idea, too,” she called after him. “Maybe we can grow some tentacles while we’re at it so we can really multi-task! Cook, clean, make love.” He laughed out loud and darted through the house picking up the kids’ things to get the place in order before the date. The normally neat and orderly living room was covered with toys for Arayan and Taraneh, their three-year-old twins.