Genre: contemporary romanceCharacters: Alex- Columbia student from a privileged background, strong woman, with several sisters (supporting characters in this book, heroines of other books in series), has to deal with attempted rape. Dylan- soldier back from Afghanistan, has PTSD and brain injury, not to mention baggage from his childhood. This is their love story.Errors: a few. I first thought the nurse mistakenly called her Miss Thomas, but then a few minutes later, correctly called her Miss Thompson. And then it occurred again, later in the story. Sometimes there were wrong words, like 'must let' instead of 'much less.' Annoying, but I guess proofreading just isn't what I would expect? My high school English teacher would be abhorred. Style of writing: This was the first book I've read by this author. I will read another. Alternating POV's gave insight into how each main character thought and felt. Mostly straightforward, perhaps a bit wordy with descriptions at times. Overall: I enjoyed their story. Their situation felt real, painful at times, and I was rooting for their HEA. The supporting characters added to the story, although allowing for a spin off story to be told in a subsequent book. On a final note, having a glimpse into what our soldiers have endured, was gut wrenching and made me more thankful for their service to our country. Somethings bothered me on this book, because it seemed like nobody proof read it. Nothing that could ruin the story but, they are still corrections that should have been made. For example, at the first chapter a person from Columbia calls and asks for Alexandra Thompson. When she meets the person that called, she is Alex. Ok, not a big problem, but... you need something kinda official you say your name not nickname/short name because your records are written with your full name, but whatever. At some point of the first pages we are "introduced" to Kelly's boyfriend: Josh. Whom on the same third Chapter after being called Josh turns into Joel. What happened? I was lost... because I thought Josh was a fling and Joel was the boyfriend, and later figured it was the same person! Later on a police officer calls Alex, Mrs. Thomas. I thought her last name was Thompson. The police officer was not the first to call her Thomas, and... her family referred themselves as Thomas. What kind of family doesn't even know their own last name!! When Alex goes home to San Francisco, she says she lives in a 4 story house. When Dylan shows up it's 5. Did she move? Did the house build a new story all by itself? What! As I said, not super important stuff but I think it is important. Books are made of details. Oh! And... if you read "A song for Julia" before this book... What happened to Andrea? By the way, in the beginning of the book she says she has 5 sisters. And on holiday dinner: Julia, Carrie, Jessica and Sarah are present. Where is the fifth sister!! There is no mention of her at all! Even after all these details that annoyed me a lot, I liked the story. I didn't like the whole martyr thing... was not very convincing, but it was a good book. A little close to "A Song for Julia", but not quite. Anyway, I think the story itself is ok. It is not a great book, but it's definitely not bad.
What do You think about Sólo Recuerda Respirar (2014)?
Genre: contemporary romanceCharacters: Alex- Columbia student from a privileged background, strong woman, with several sisters (supporting characters in this book, heroines of other books in series), has to deal with attempted rape. Dylan- soldier back from Afghanistan, has PTSD and brain injury, not to mention baggage from his childhood. This is their love story.Errors: a few. I first thought the nurse mistakenly called her Miss Thomas, but then a few minutes later, correctly called her Miss Thompson. And then it occurred again, later in the story. Sometimes there were wrong words, like 'must let' instead of 'much less.' Annoying, but I guess proofreading just isn't what I would expect? My high school English teacher would be abhorred. Style of writing: This was the first book I've read by this author. I will read another. Alternating POV's gave insight into how each main character thought and felt. Mostly straightforward, perhaps a bit wordy with descriptions at times. Overall: I enjoyed their story. Their situation felt real, painful at times, and I was rooting for their HEA. The supporting characters added to the story, although allowing for a spin off story to be told in a subsequent book. On a final note, having a glimpse into what our soldiers have endured, was gut wrenching and made me more thankful for their service to our country.
I want to be perfectly honest from the beginning; this is a new author for me to read. In fact, I did not believe a man could write such a beautiful romantic story so I researched him afterwards. Yep, a man wrote this wonderful story. I wish to apology to the author for my foolish, faulty assumption. Thinking about it, one of the reasons I liked this book so much was Dylan the male main character in the story. His struggles, recovery and healing was authentic, heartwarming and heart wrenching at the same time. Overall, it is several steps above the usual even though I often thought it was high time for Alex just to grow up; be an adult woman, not her parent’s child. Many times, I have had that thought while reading NA books. However, Dylan more than made up for her to keep me reading on. So I can recommend Just Remember to Breathe (Thompson Sisters) by Charles Sheehan-Miles for Dylan’s story alone.
This book pleasantly surprised me... It had a bite to it with a tragic soldier luv story.