At first, I had no idea how I felt about this book. The fact that Brooke just decided to move to New York because the guy she was supposedly in love with moved there was just insane to me. But the thing that made me love this book was how much she grew as a person. At that age girls do a lot of crazy things, they're still learning and trying to figure things out. If she hadn't grown so much, and learned to do things for herself, to make herself happy, then I wouldn't of had loved this book so much. She started to put herself first, realizing that yeah, even though it sucks having your heart broken by someone you thought you were meant to be with, your happiness and life and needs come before any one else's. And she realized how awesome it is to have people by your side, who see the potential you have and love to watch you grow and better yourself. Buku pertama karya Susane Colasanti yang kubaca... buku ini lumayan menarik tentang cewe bernama Brooke yang mencintai Scott, teman 1 sekolahnya. Namun Scott sendiri tidak mengenal Brooke sama sekali, bahkan mereka ga pernah berbicara sebelumnya. Sampai suatu saat Scott pindah sekolah ke kota NY, dan Brooke mengejarnya ke sana demi Scott yg belum tentu akan membalas cintanya!!!Brooke ini, anaknya pinyer, cerdas dan IQ nya diatas rata2... namun, ia menyia2kan bakatnya, ia justru malas2an mengejar nilainya karena Brooke tidak mau menjadi berbeda dengan yg lainnya.Kepindahannya ke NY membawa perubahan besar dalam hidupnya.Cinta itu tidak selalu indah yang kita bayangkan... :)
What do You think about So Much Closer (2011)?
It was a very good story, and I really enjoyed it. Some parts were just too unrealistic to me.
i loved this book! i love reading susane colasanti's books! they are awesome!!
hmmmm. so desperate. love comes naturally and in the right time.