This was my first try at Tracy Hickman, and I liked it. The concepts were clever and the world was extremely well built. I really enjoyed how masterfully we were inserted into the world and led through its epic scope, learning about this amazing place while watching our anti-hero go off to be heroic. And speaking of that--the hero was enjoyable, and the other characters were as well. The viewpoint characters had just enough depth (we're not talking Cormac McCarthy depth, here, more like not being too shallow to be un-fun). This novel won't be toppling LOTR any time soon, but it's definitely enjoyable It started out with a difficult beginning with Octions and stuff that I didn't understand at first but as I read on I got the idea that it was a military. The book quickly picked up its pace and when I finished it, I was left wanting to read more. I quickly set out to get the next book in the trilogy. I borrowed the first book from my local library and purchased the last two because it was such a good read with a strong plot and lots of emotional excitement.
What do You think about Song Of The Dragon (2010)?
A good, classical fantasy book. Interesting to discover, I'm looking forward to the next one.
Create first book looking forward to the rest of the series.