Danella said in an offhand nature. “I want him under my new command. Bring him.” “I’m afraid he was lost at Shiftla, Milady,” the cavalry leader replied. “Pity,” she said. “It is also a shame that I will be without my sisters and that Majherri must wear these enchanted reins to make him appear as a pathetic beast of burden.” In truth, Majherri didn’t care one bit for the reflection he’d seen in the fountain. He could still feel his horn, but the illusion was too convincing for his liking. The reasoning behind the move made sense. A black unicorn had never existed and would draw far too much attention. A Battle Maiden leading a score of warriors would also be noteworthy, but a woman riding a black horse amongst other riders would nothing remarkable. It didn’t mean he was happy about it, but that could describe every day since he’d returned to Danella’s side. His rider wore an enchanted necklace that made her eyes appear normal.