What do You think about Spoveď šialenej Matky (2012)?
Mommy bloggers often can be a tad too "precious" about their parenting - this blogger, Jill Smokler is not. A book from a blog, this book takes over from Vicki Iovine's 90's presence to give all of us mommies who just want to pee alone a good chuckle and love a good snark. I read this book in spurts on a cross country plane trip and was done by the time we touched down on the return trip; it's a fast read. I think it would be perfect for new mommies or mothers to be - but only for people who can laugh at themselves and the absurdity that children bring.The other day a girlfriend and I were laughing about how we encourage our children to just jump in the pool for their evening bath. Now that's a confession of a scary mommy!
There were some very relatable moments, funny and serious. At times there was an undertone of meanness that didn't hit the comedic mark with me. The confessions ranged from sweet, honest, hilarious to slightly disturbing. As a mother, I agree with her position of not judging other mothers because we are all doing the best we can. I don't feel it was always honest because she didn't really want to examine her emotional experience. There was an element of the writing that was brutally honest to grab your attention, but emotionally very guarded. At the end of the day it was entertaining.
Makes me very grateful that my children were five years apart and are now young adults!
Not a mother but found this book hilariously funny. I read it in one evening.
Jill Smokler cracks me up, but I prefer her blog to her book.