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Read Stryker


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Stryker - Plot & Excerpts

She didn’t answer me and she was nowhere in sight, upstairs or down. My heart started to thump until I remembered that she couldn’t escape.
There was no way for her to get off the grounds without me.
I saw soft light coming from the outside pool area and that’s where I found her. She was sitting with her head resting on her bent knees her head facing away from me. I felt a pang of sadness seeing her there like that, so lost and alone. I pushed the feeling aside forcefully, this was just another way of disobeying me. The continuous struggle we’ve had in the last few months, of her fighting me every step of the way.
“Didn’t you hear me calling you?”
“I’m not sleeping in that bed again. I’ll rather stay out here until the sun comes up.”
“Get in the house…Now.” She turned furious eyes my way but her fury was no match for mine. Her problem is that she wanted to hash things out now on her terms and because I wasn’t willing to play along, she decided to play the spoilt brat.

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