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Read Sunshine And The Shadowmaster (1995)

Sunshine And The Shadowmaster (1995)

Online Book

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0373099797 (ISBN13: 9780373099795)

Sunshine And The Shadowmaster (1995) - Plot & Excerpts

IT WAS NOTHING SHORT OF SHOCKING!Heather "Sunshine" Conway was a respectable, small-town widow cheerfully waiting tables to make ends meet. Her brother-in-law, single father Lucas Drury, was a scandalous celebrity -- the Shadowmaster. Only their shared desperation over Lucas's runaway son could have plunged them into a night of dangerously explosive desire .... Yet Heather sowed hope in Lucas's haunted soul. And, during the darkness of night and the wonder of passion, Lucas gave Heather a child. But the real fireworks were just beginning...

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