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Read Stroke Of Fortune (2002)

Stroke of Fortune (2002)

Online Book

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0373613520 (ISBN13: 9780373613526)
harlequin books

Stroke Of Fortune (2002) - Plot & Excerpts

LSCC MEMBER: Millionaire rancher Flynt Carson Brooding, sexy, tough outer shell --- hard nut to crackSOCIAL STATUS: Handsome young widowerMETHOD OF SEDUCTION: This elite member's guarded demeanor draws women like honey!Eligible bachelor Flynt Carson struck a hole-in-one when his Sunday golf ritual at the Lone Star Country Club unveiled an abandoned baby girl. Although temporary fatherhood for Flynt Carson dredged up painful memories, this was jus the beginning of mayhem for Flynt and the town of Mission Creek. Flynt felt he had no business raising a child or reuniting with Josie Lavender, a woman too innocent for a man with his tarnished soul. But, the lovestruck nanny was determined to help him raise the mysterious baby --- and what happened next was anyone's guess ...

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