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Read Sunspot (2007)

Sunspot (2007)

Online Book

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0373625901 (ISBN13: 9780373625901)
gold eagle

Sunspot (2007) - Plot & Excerpts

BELLY OF THE BEASTIn the wake of a nuclear Armageddon, the hellscape of Deathlands conspires to torment strong and weak alike, festering most deeply in those who still possess the deepest core of human decency. Now the past lies in the ashes, while the mysteries of the future unfold in the hands of those willing to live each new day in search of hope for tomorrow.


The endless struggle for power among the barons is a way of life in Deathlands, but Ryan Cawdor and his warrior survivalists take no sides--unless forced to. But as the land around the Rio Grande reaches the breaking point in a bitter war, the companions are harnessed into battle, moving toward a grim confrontation with an old enemy whose secret stockpile of twenty-fi rst-century nerve gas is poised to unleash infi nite madness once more upon a ravaged earth.

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