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Read Survivors: Book 4 Circles Of Light Series

Survivors: Book 4 Circles of Light series

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Survivors: Book 4 Circles Of Light Series - Plot & Excerpts

She tried arguing with them when it became clear they had no intention of letting Tika travel anywhere without them. Ammi had been aghast to find Tika had only two pairs of much worn and much mended trousers and three similarly shabby shirts apart from Salma’s gift of clothes. Daughters in law were summoned and commanded to rectify the matter. Tika never saw her old clothes again.
Olam and Riff had departed with one of Ammi’s sons to rejoin Kasmi and the ships. In spite of Pallin’s mutters and scowls, no one doubted how pleased he secretly was to be confronted with over a dozen small boys and nearly as many small girls all hoping to learn arms skills. Maressa was content to stay with Taseen. Although botanical sciences had not figured greatly with her before, Sefri’s enthusiasm together with Ammi’s immense knowledge of the medicinal properties of plants had awakened her interest.
The Ship fascinated Taseen and a boy was assigned to help the old man inside the Ship where he sat in the Captain’s chair and listened to Star Flower recount her travels.

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